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Choke is a 30 min long documentary I made collaborating with various artists and psychologists.  


Unlike any other campaign, this campaign doesn't focus on don't do drugs. It's focused on helping people make a more informed choice and to tell young kids between 12-16 that not everything that they see on the screen is real, It is all extremely over exaggerated. It's about telling them that drugs and depression isn't as beautiful as it looks on screen. It is meant to educate them about these substances so that they can take an informed decision and not just blindly ape the trends.


This entire campaign has a very fun visual language and uses a lot of clips from these songs itself so the viewer can see what the interviewee is talking about. The teasers are very short and leave the person wondering about it which makes them click on the link which leads them to the documentary. Instead of the normal preaching method i've tried to use real life examples and facts to get the message across.


Rap songs, techno music and casual drug use at concerts and music festivals make us believe that drug use is a "normal human experience." It's not. Experimentation rarely ever ends there. It's very easy for one pill to turn into three to turn into snorting lines at the back of a toilet stall or off a girl’s butt in case you’re rich or a rapper. Song lyrics and social media photos epitomize the casual use of drugs, without showing the actual effects this drugs leave long term. Rappers singing about drinking four bottles vodka daily or popping Xanax with codeine just shows how exaggerated these lyrics are, what people don’t realise is that four bottles of vodka or consuming these other concoctions will only result in hospitalization or death due to overdose. These things not only have detrimental physical, physiological, and psychological effects, but can significantly damage personal relationships. The songs also talk about these artists wanting to die, about self destruction and they make it look extremely beautiful so beautiful that people are naming jewellery that says anxiety, depression, bipolar etc. 


Teaser 1 -

Teaser 2 -

Teaser 3 -

 Teaser 4 -


Documentary Link - On Request 

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